
High-Quality Static Data Center Proxies

We provide and rigorously test high-speed data center proxies, ensuring complete anonymity and high IP availability.
Best price/performance ratio
Stable line, long online time
Infinite Bandwidth And The Session

Advantages of Residential Proxies

Unlimited Bandwidth

Static Residential proxies include up to unlimited bandwidth. You don't have to count how many GBs you are using to estimate your proxy pricing.

Dedicated and Static

Dedicated Static Residential proxies are only assigned to you. No other users use the same IP address as you. Your IP address remains static forever.

High Efficiency

Proxy allows up to 1000 simultaneous connections, each with its own unique IP. Flexible targeting allows you to work with maximum efficiency.

Residential Proxies Network

Large and stable Residential Proxy network

You will be the sole user of this IP address. We provide a reliable and fast static residential proxy network, maintaining anonymity and hiding the identity of the target service. Surf like a local.

Our Residential Proxies Work with all Popular languages


Seamless integration, comprehensive usage statistics

Say goodbye to complex integrations, Residential Proxy easily integrates with third-party software, Google/Firefox browser extensions and popular fingerprint browsers. Whitelist your IPs, manage proxies, and track important statistics from one convenient dashboard.

Manage Proxies Effortlessly

Via dashboard you can easily manage your proxy usage. Be confident that your web scraping projects will never stop unexpectedly.
checkFollow detailed proxy usage statistics
checkCreate and manage sub-users
checkManage proxy subscription
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Why You Choose Our Residential Proxies?


Dedicated Residential Proxies

No sharing, no splicing - your dedicated proxy is available only for you while you use it.

Global Coverage

Buy residential IPs that cover 195+ locations and offers country, city, state-level and geo-location targeting.

Unlimited Concurrent Sessions

No limits and restrictions,buy a residential IP,send unlimited concurrent sessions.

High Success Rates

Our residential proxies have an average success rate of 99.5%.

Ultra Fast Speeds

Using our proprietary cloud infrastructure our proxies offer the best possible speeds with low response times up-to 3ms.

Full Protocol Support

You can connect to our proxies using most popular protocols including: HTTP/HTTPs and Socks5.

Frequently Asked Question

plusDoes the Static Residential Proxies have port 25 open?
plusHow fast are Static Residential Proxies?
plusHow do Static Residential Proxies manage sub-accounts?
plusWhat is the difference between a static residential IP and a data centre IP?
plusDo Static Residential Proxies support IPv4 or IPv6?